5 ways to incorporate that holiday lifestyle at work
Holidays are the perfect way to relax. It’s all ‘go with the flow’ all day; no strict deadlines or a certain timeframe to spend on lunch. You’re the one in charge: plans or no plans, anything goes. Back home we try to keep this up by having dinners with friends or drinking a glass of wine in the garden. But what happens when you have to go back to work?
Getting back to work after a relaxing vacation can be daunting. And while an office job can seem constricting in terms of your freedom, it’s key to find spontaneity in the small things. Seize the moment and create a life you don’t need a vacation from! How? We’ve compiled a list of small things to change in your day to day work habits:
1. Take your time for lunch
One of the great things about being on holiday is having the time to eat an elaborate breakfast, lunch and dinner. This endless time is not available for lunch break at work, but don’t neglect the time you do have. The lunch itself doesn’t have to be special, but always make sure to leave the desk and take time out of the day for it, as you would on holiday. If there’s enough time, convince your coworkers to go for a small picnic!

2. Try and discover something new every day
Vacations are spent exploring new areas every day. This doesn’t have to be limited to your holiday. If you always take a walk during your lunch break, change up the route! The key is to get out of your comfort zone and take in new sights. Another added bonus to taking a walk: this physical distance from your work will create some mental distance as well.
3. Bring in some fresh flowers
Offices can be boring and unimaginative in terms of decoration. A big change from the daily exciting sights on holiday. While office plants seem to be gaining popularity, why not treat yourself (and your coworkers) to some freshly cut flowers? A small change like this can really lift your spirits. It is proven to have a positive effect on the workplace!
4. Change up your lunch
Trying out and tasting local foods is a daily occurrence when visiting a foreign place. So don’t just go back to the usual lunch in your office setting. Recreating that salad that you loved or trying new flavors is a great way to bring back that holiday feeling. If a different lunch is too time consuming, limit it to things like making a nice latte instead of grabbing a quick coffee.
5. Work in a different setting
A change of setting can be great for creativity. It’s no surprise the best ideas are formed on holiday. It can really be worth it to change up the setting at work too. If the work environment allows it, work outside for a few hours. Or hit up a café instead of staying at home on your home office day.