
La balançoire est le moyen ultime d'embrasser votre liberté.

The Swing successfully challenges people to look at their environment differently. The mobile Swing can be hung from any suitable tree or pole. Once you start looking at the world through those eyes, a whole new world of possibilities opens up! 

Redefine the public space 

In his designs, Thor ter Kulve always likes to challenge the world around him. He wants to “redefine public space” and turn it into a playground. His design of the Swing is the perfect example of that. In his words: “the Swing asks for a lot more creativity of the user itself, because all you need is a vertical pole or tree. As a user, you start to look at your environment in a way where you’ll go: ‘wait a minute! I can hang the Swing there and that tree is perfect as well!’ You just suddenly start to see it everywhere.
Embrace your freedom 

This mindset is exactly what the Swing aims to achieve. It literally turns your world into a playground. To us, swinging is not just for little kids. Want to know why? It is a great way to get rid of daily struggles. You can leave your phone and worries behind and just swing as high as you can! Like Thor himself says: “The Swing is the ultimate way of experiencing freedom”.  

How to use it safely  

Before you start using the Swing, it is important to know how to use it safely. A tree needs to be straight, sturdy and has to have a circumference of 94-204 centimeters before it is deemed suitable for the Swing. Check out our step-by-step manual to find out how to mount the Swing to the tree.   

Show us the Swing in use 

Where would you use the Swing? In your own backyard or somewhere in nature? We are curious to know and would love to see your pictures. Use #worldofweltevree to get featured on our Instagram or inspiration page. 
La balançoire Swing, conçue par Thor ter Kulve, transforme n'importe quel arbre en aire de jeux. Les sangles utilisées pour attacher la balançoire conviennent aux arbres ou aux poteaux jusqu'à deux mètres de périmètre. Fixez simplement la balançoire à un poteau ou à un arbre et découvrez votre environnement sous un nouvel angle. Une merveilleuse façon de vous changer les idées, de méditer ou de vous amuser avec les enfants. La circonférence de l'arbre doit être comprise entre 94 et 200 cm, pour un arbre de plus de 2 mètres d'épaisseur de circonférence nous avons sangles extra longues, celles-ci sont disponibles séparément dans la boutique en ligne.Il y a 4 lignes directrices pour le Swing: La balançoire a une capacité de charge maximale de 100 kg.Pour usage domestique uniquement. Conçu pour une utilisation en extérieur uniquement.En raison du risque d'étouffement, ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans.
