Follow the rhythm of the sun

Time is precious. It is a scarce commodity that we often feel we have too little of. We realise this all too well at Weltevree. That's why we believe in a different approach to time. One where we focus on sharing moments and conscious enjoyment.
Because perception of time depends on context. In everyday life, time quickly revolves around productivity, efficiency and deadlines. But do you notice how your perception of time changes when daylight saving time kicks in, for example? Suddenly the evening feels hours longer, while there are essentially the same hours in a day. Just that one extra hour of light makes us feel lighter, happier and more energetic. Suddenly, the hours and minutes no longer matter, it's all about the moment.
Time has the meaning you give it. The Sundial Table invites you to create your own meaning of time. Besides being able to read the time with the grey pins, you can personalise the sundial by using the yellow pins to mark the moments of the day that are important to you. A coffee moment, a playtime with the children, the start of the Friday drinks: what is it time for you when the shadow hits the yellow peg?