Assemblage: Auto-assemblage
Banc de musculation: 6,2 kg
Catégorie: Set d'extérieur
Couleur: Rouge
Couleur du produit: Rouge Oxyde RAL 3009
Designer: Jaïr Straschnow
Dimensions du banc: 190 x 30 x 46
Empilable: Oui, empilable horizontalement
Matériel: Bois de Douglas
Poids du tableau: 28 kg
Période de garantie: 2 ans
Repliable: Oui
Taille du tableau: 190 x 72 x 76

The standard beer bench is top-heavy and narrow with straight legs, so it wobbles when you sit on it and quickly falls over when standing up. This minor annoyance was the driving force behind Straschnow's design for the Salut Beerbench. "Every time I walked past such a wobbly beer bench, I felt the need to make something better out of it," he says.

Jaïr Straschnow


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