Ode to the unplanned
Garden parties are the epitome of summer. Not the ones that have been thought out in detail in advance (think: a complete set of dishes, perfectly cooked steak and matching drinks), but the ones that happen spontaneously.
You know the drill: it's the middle of summer, the mercury is hitting 30 degrees and you're sitting, sweating, in the office daydreaming about an ice-cold beer, a dip in the water, and fresh watermelon to sink your teeth into.

And this weather is not always common in the Netherlands, so the opportunity must be taken. A quick note: I'm lighting the barbecue tonight, who's coming too? and as soon as the clock shows five o'clock, hup to the supermarket, where you quickly pull something random from the barbecue shelf, have a baguette sliced (because: saves time) and on.
There is no time to clean up the garden, set the table or make ice cubes, because the first guests are already at the door. And then it begins: the impromptu garden party. Eating out of your hand, because there are not enough plates. Toasting with lukewarm beers, because they weren't cold yet. There are too many hamburgers and too few sandwiches because no one has communicated about who brings what. The weeds have not been weeded and actually you would have liked to give the garden chairs a quick clean, but oh well, what's the difference. The sun is shining, people are happy, summer is on.